HMS Conway - Click here to return to the menu HMS Conway 1859 - 1974

© Alfie Windsor 1998
HMS Conway - Click here to return to the menu

The HMS Conway Image Archive


Viewing Options: 

Once you have opened an album remember there may be more than one page in the album The page header tells you how many pages there are.

You can choose how to view photos:

- using the options on the bottom left of all album pages.

- using the slider bottom right hand corner of all album pages to adjust the number of images visible at any one time.

- by clicking on the Colour buttons across the bottom of every album page to set the background colour.

You can use the Subscribe button at the top of every album page to get immediate notification if the content of any album changes

Images are stored separately to this web site and there are no links back to this page so you will need to use the Back button to return.


Naming Images: 

I have adopted a standard naming system for photos so that they sort automatically into the correct albums and order. I am always pleased to get new photos but as I can get 200 new ones in a single month I often face huge amounts of work to refomat names. Even at 2 minutes per photo that's a lot of my life (2mins x 200 photos = 7 hours a month!)

Please try to name your images using my standard naming rules:
- start with the full year they were taken e.g. 1945, 1880 etc. If you are not sure, say e.g. 196?.
- Next, if you know it, add the month it was taken as a 3 character abbreviation e.g Jan, Jul, Sep, OR the term (please use Easter, Summer, Xmas)
- Finish the name with a short description

- If it's a rugby or cricket team use 1st XV, 1st XI, Colts XV etc.

e.g. 1956 Xmas 2nd XV, 1948 cadets at dock, 1925 Apr Water Boat





HMS Conway - Click here to return to the menu Page Last Modified (D/M/Y): If HMS Conway - Click here to return to the menu